Opportunity to be #upfront at Dundee Design Month

It's Dundee Design Month! I'm really happy to be part of this epic programme of events and you can be too! I'm giving a public talk as part of the University's public lecture series  (get your free tickets here) and I'm inviting people to join me on stage and be #upfront.  This means you get to experience the stage without the pressure of performing. It's a brilliant experience for anyone who'd like to boost their confidence when it comes to being on stage. Over 300 men and women have sat #upfront at conferences all over the world. They say...

"I decided to go #upfront because I feel a lot of anxiety about standing up in front of people and having all eyes on me. I have always preferred to be backstage rather than on it. Being #upfront was a fantastic and empowering experience, and helped me to address my fears around being on the stage without the added pressure of speaking/ performing."

"Sitting #upfront was like sticking one foot outside of my comfort zone, making me much more likely to leap outside of it next time!"

"Being #upfront was a powerful, emotional experience. Having no pressure to speak allowed me to feel the anxiety, overwhelm, and nervousness that I suppress when I speak. I was able to observe the stage, Lauren's slides, notes, and sometimes make eye contact with audience members, which seem to be a blur when I've spoken in the past. It was a chance to just "be" in a foreign, uncomfortable place without any pressure to perform or impress."

You can watch my TedX on the concept below. Any questions just ping me on twitter! 

Do you suffer from stage fright? Would you like to feel what it feels like to be on stage without the pressure of performing? Now is your chance! #upfront is for you.

The University of Dundee has got a couch with your name on it, right up on stage, where you can sit and just be, while I do my thing. 0% performance anxiety,100% spotlight. That’s #upfront.

Interested? Send an email to helloupfront@gmail.com with the subject line the University of Dundee Couldn’t be simpler. Let’s claim that stage! *NOTE* You must have a ticket to the event to apply

Listen to what the people who sat #upfront @UXLondon in London have to say about their experience...

Listen to what the people who sat #upfront @CampDigital in Manchester have to say about their experience...

Can't wait to meet new #upfront folks! I'm looking forward to catching up with my old friends and making some new ones too. I'm really happy that Dundee is the first Scottish city Atlas will visit. I'll have to find some teeny tiny tartan socks for him to wear! 
