#6 The Speculative Designer

I first met Anab when she gave my undergraduate class a lecture in 2006. I've been following her ever since and had the pleasure of finally meeting her in person last month. Anab's work lives in the intersection of emerging technologies and everyday life. Anab and I have been talking about the potential ways to expose the DXD students to the complexities of designing with technology. Here's what she has to say... 1. What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learnt over the last year?

2014 has been a challenging year for us at Superflux. We have been reminded yet again of how important it is to maintain conviction and belief in the work we do, in the face of unforeseen external pressures. We are grateful to have come out on the other side with our values and integrity intact, and with a deeper commitment to our responsibility as designers, as our work extends out into the real world.

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2. What’s your burning question of the moment?

How can our work at Superflux play a meaningful role in influencing new, alternate ways of understanding our relationships with technology, broaden perspectives and infiltrate the status quo? How can we engage with new audiences, and at different scales? How can I prepare my young child for the dauntingly complex world that he will find himself in?

3. What’s the most inspiring thing you’ve seen/ heard/ read in the last year?

Currently reading Keller Easterling's Extrastatecraft which is great, other highlights include the project by activists who released Choco Pie-Filled Balloons Into North Korea, Kate Crawford's piece on the Anxieties of Big Data, Taryn Simon's Birds of the West Indies, Disobedient Objects show at the V&A, a recent visit to Detroit and watching my son learn to talk.

4. What would be your one piece of advice to students on Hyper Island's new MA in Digital Experience Design?

Enjoy this precious time as a student to truly explore your ideas, skills, and think about the world you'd like to design for.

You can hear our other industry connections answer the same questions over here:#5 The Digital Maker#4 The Craftsman#3 The Storyteller#2 The Dreaming Maker  and #1 The Go-Getter.