Start Up Guide Berlin

Starting something is complicated. Starting something in a new city is ever more complicated. It was the former that inspired Sarah and I to create Nightriders - where do you go to find out who to talk to? where to work? where to learn, listen and play? Start_Up_Guide_Berln

Sissel Hansen asks all these questions and more in her Start Up Guide to Berlin book.

"I came to Berlin one and a half year ago. I was, as many others, attracted to the city, the vibe and oppurtunities. I came with nothing else than my suitcase and the business Idea of Berlin Projects. After a while I was truly amazed with the number of international people arriving all the time with the will of starting their own company, and that got me thinking “I’m not the only one with problems and questions on how to start”."

The book tells you how to find secret spots, to know where to go, what to do, what not to miss and even how to find things you didn’t expect. It also covers aspects like where and how to get hands on information on things like getting insurance, setting up a bank account. It all comes from a very honest perspective.

A core concept of Nightriders is the wiki where participants document their journey and findings along the way. My vision is the wiki will one day become the go to resource for anyone who wants to start something in Scotland. Now, having seen what Sissel and her team have created I can see an opportunity for the content of the wiki to eventually become a book similar to this one.

The one piece of advice from all the founders that stood out for me was

"Network more than you want to."

My two favourite projects featured were Somewhere and Patience.  I loved the way Sissel and her team focused on the super important role physical places and events play in connecting people.

Good work.