Visit to DSV Factory
Big thank you to Willem Bosch for letting me take pictures and learn about DSV solutions. When chatting about the Westpoort Bus service "It is great, without it we have no workers here!". They try hard to keep their workers happy at DSV, when there are deadlines and lots of extra hours worked the staff get extra yummy food.
There is a problem when workers have to go home because they are ill, because there is no way for them to get to the station to get home!
I had to walk to the Starbucks Factory to get the bus home. Thank you to Harm for arranging that for me :) The walk was fairly awkward because I was unsure where I was going and there was no footpath. Had to walk on the grassI
I also had to cross these train tracks which was quite intimidating as there was no pavement at the other side!
All these touchpoints negative and positive have to be clearly mapped out...