Posts tagged social media
Social Media for Public Services in Scotland
Being good and being social
bigsociety, design thinking, people I like, Red Jotter Work, service designredjotterbegoodbesocial, edinburgh, martin keane, melting pot, rose macintosh, ross mc culloch, scotland, social media
using your mobile to do something good
made me think, people I like, Red Jotter Work, service designredjottercommunity, design, design thinking, experience, innovation, social design, social media, technology
Studio Unbound VI
design studies, design thinking, made me think, master of design, Red Jotter Work, service designredjottercareer, experience, networking, service design, share, social media, students, studiounbound
We are not electronic beings
Twitter is a cocktail party
Ten red balloons and the depth of social networks
Studio Unbound III calls all jewellers
Studio Unbound II
made me think, people I like, Red Jotter Workredjottercareer, design education, design employment, experience, future, glasgow school of art, graduation, kate andrews, Lauren Currie, networking, relationship, sarah drummond, social media, studio unbound, tools, university of dundee