I'll never lose my Scottish words
Cloudbusting, Kite Flying and Star gazing
bigsociety, design studies, design thinking, people I like, Red Jotter Work, service designredjotterchallenges, change, cloudbusting, dundee, life, people, poverty, problems, scotland
Snook are on the hunt for talent!
Changin Scotland
A toast to Rabbie Burns and Friendships!
Social Media for Public Services in Scotland
Global Service Jam Scotland
Being good and being social
bigsociety, design thinking, people I like, Red Jotter Work, service designredjotterbegoodbesocial, edinburgh, martin keane, melting pot, rose macintosh, ross mc culloch, scotland, social media
poverty porn on my doorstep
Snook's wee service tipple
True Grit
Scottish Service Steps
Scottish service for gang members