Say what you think

"What's the one action you want people to take?" This is the question Siddharth Vaze, Host of The CEOs Chair asked Cindy Gallop, Founder of MakeLoveNotPorn (Cindy is one of my biggest role models) ⠀


Cindy's reply was this; say what you think.⠀

No really, say what you think.⠀

I say this directly to the women reading this because well, we don't say what we mean.⠀

Every day we are interrupted, talked over, mansplained, not heard and in a work environment it becomes very easy to not say what you think⠀

It’s critically important to say what you think for a few reasons;⠀

⚡️You have been hired to deliver unique value to your team or business - you don’t deliver this value if you don’t bring your unique perspectives and opinions to the table.⠀

⚡️It’s only when you start saying what you think that you start finding out what you think.⠀

⚡️Saying what you think let's you be your own filter. You bring your unique insights and opinions to the table and if they are not welcomed, championed, and celebrated then get the hell out of there because you will never thrive in that workplace. ⠀


Thank you, Cindy! Watch the full interview here.