Professional VisIbility with Lucy Werner

I'm excited to share this series on Professional Visibility with you. I want to help you overcome cultural, social and gender-related barriers to being visible. Talking about yourself and your work is a skill and I want to shine a light on the multitude of ways women do this. I hope I can provide you with role models you can mimic and learn from. Over time, I hope that you will find a way of being visible that feels true and powerful to you. This work is one way I'm learning how to do that for myself.

Next up, is the Lucy Werner. Lucy is a PR and publicity expert who spends a lot of her time teaching women how to hype themselves! Yes to that! I’m going to be doing a give way of Lucy’s new book soon, so keep your eyes open for that.

Why are you intentional visible?⠀

I wanted to build a community around supporting small business before I fully launched my book and online courses so I had an audience to reach. People buy people, so I’ve spent the best part of a year working on pushing my own profile and being active within lots of communities.

How are you intentional visible? ⠀ ⠀

I wanted to build a community around supporting small business before I fully launched my book and online courses so I had an audience to reach. People buy people, so I’ve spent the best part of a year working on pushing my own profile and being active within lots of communities. I’m visible in a few different ways. Firstly, my partner Hadrien helped me rebrand in bold and bright colours. I use these across all my assets from the book cover, products, presentations to social media graphics. My audience now recognises when it is me because of this aesthetic. I attend a lot of talks either giving advice, hosting or on a panel. As great as online video is, it’s not the same connection as being in the same room. I also give out a lot of free advice across my social channels.

What is your one piece of advice to people reading this who want to be more visible?

Be consistent. In how often you show up and what you want to talk about. When you talk about too many things, it is confusing to your audience what it is you are about. Equally, it doesn’t matter if you can’t post at evenings or weekends if that is when the social algorithm says you will be popular. If you have a regular time you always show up people will expect that and it’s great.⠀

Who is your visibility role model? ⠀

My good pal Becky Cope from Lit Wick Candles. Becky has built up a business from scratch on Instagram and is hilarious to boot, just proving we shouldn’t all take ourselves too seriously. It’s hard to balance personal and business and I think she straddles both really well. She is also really “can do” learning how to do a lot of things herself for her business.

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