Redjotter rundown
This is a list of ideas, people and projects that I stand behind. Read why I'm publishing these lists here.
Do A Thing every day for less than five dollars or in less than five minutes to be more civically minded (via Lucy Stewart)
Helix Centre; design studio based inside an NHS hospital has a new shiny website.
The Circle is a new community hub and co-work space in Dundee and it's officially open!
Scotland is about to decide upon a radical basic income trial.
I co-hosted a Shero dinner at The Happy Canvas Cafe where we ate delicious food, talked about confidence and asked each other difficult questions.
We can’t encourage younger talent to raise their hand, have a point of view or (*whisper it*) have an idea, if we can’t find the gall to do the same. Yes Jen Smith.
Gorgeous portraits of ageing members of the trans community. Thanks Andrew.
Vala speaks out over here about her relationship with public speaking and her first experience of talking to an audience.
False hope leads to inaction. Next time you find yourself 'hoping' for something ask yourself if you are thinking positively as an alternative to taking positive action. Read more in this brilliant essay by Derrick Jensen
Funke Abimbola, a senior lawyer and diversity leader in the UK, talks about women being #upfront about their ambition on this episode of Women's Hour.
I had a conversation that made me realise there is a demand for #upfront underwear so I bought a few pairs of Empowerment Pants as part of my research.
Icon Magazine’s John Jervis has taken an alternative view on London’s new Design Museum – it’s a compelling counterpoint to the wildly positive press it is receiving.
I was #upfront during my keynote at Dream Do Today conference and shared my stage and my power with Idoia and Marina.
“There is a very big difference between having a female leader and a female leader who leads with an understanding of women’s needs”
On the 2nd of February 2016, #upfront is one-year-old so we're hosting an #upfront launch party, confidence and diversity celebration! Get your tickets here (we are on the hunt for a central London venue and sponsorship for some bubbles so if you and your team would like to make a statement about your commitment to diversity get in touch!)
I'm a big fan of Oh Comely magazine.
The brilliant Imandeep Kaur speaking about the Autumn Statement on BBC.
I interviewed Hanna Naima McCloskey over here and she's asking important questions such as how do we ensure Tech4Good centres an understanding of sexism, racism and other inequalities as it goes about doing “good”?
It feels good to laugh...
This is my third run down since committing to publishing one every week for six weeks (here's a link to the first one and second one). Any feedback would be useful...