Why public sector leaders need a new world view

John Benington on the changes needed for a system overhaul. For me, this phrase speaks volumes "NHS staff working with the police and with local authorities on problem-solving projects..."

"New concepts of "adaptive leadership" to tackle tough problems in the community through collaborative action at the frontline, rather than relying on previous models based on heroic leaders trying to drive change from the top down....

We would also like to see cross-service education, training and work experience built into the programme for fast-stream graduate entrants to public service. That could include NHS staff working with the police and with local authorities on problem-solving projects...

Let's have high-level opportunities for top teams to learn and lead together, with chief constables, NHS and local authority chief executives and senior civil servants able to develop their knowledge of each other's services and skills. We also want a new leadership programme for middle managers, linked to a master's degree, to develop this crucial group of senior managers as a leadership cadre for the whole of the UK's public service...

...and we'd like to see "deep diving" for senior civil servants – so that all members of the civil service will have spent at least three months working at the frontline of a public service before being accepted into the senior civil service."

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Read more about Terry Irwin's insights on world views from the first day of studying Masters of Design: “Our world view is a sketch and a blueprint for reality.”