Spot the difference: UX design, service design and design thinking
I discovered this on Nick's blog - it is very relevant to the work I am preparing for the Experience Service Design conference in Finland.
IntegratedPlace is a design consultancy specialised in service design, environmental & product design, design strategy and design management.
"We use design thinking as a methodology to solve many different types of problems. To achieve this we analyse the value of what an organisation has to offer from a customer or user point of view and how the actual products and services relate to their needs.
We carry out complete user centered design projects for our clients, from project brief definition, strategic orientation, user centered research, ideation, design proposals, prototyping, through to production or market deployment."
Sylvain Cottong, a partner at IntegratedPlace, has created a presentation to highlight the differences between UX design, service design and design thinking. [ Spot the use of the CD cover image I discovered on slide 62 :) ]
What is UX design, service design & design thinking more
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