London Adventure

I have had a fantastic few days! Now heading to London to spend the week with Kate Andrews. As a follow up from the workshop I co-led at Glasgow School of Art I am taking part in a Real Work Experience workshop tomorrow. We will spend the day at ThinkPublic sharing our insights from the workshop and developing the winning idea!


During our social and service revolution we are entering our proposal into Nordes... I'll also be catching up with Joel Bailey, Sophia Parker , Kevin Gavaghan, Andy Gibson, Project H, The Future Laboratory Team, Chris Clarke ,Alex Ostrowski, Cassie Robinson and Tessy Britton...can't wait!

Really looking forward to meeting fellow service designers and interesting people at 'service design drinks'. Please say hello.

Paying a visit to London College of Communication to meet people from the Design Writing and Criticism course!

I am hoping to get a ticket (fingers crossed) to be in the audience as creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson takes to the stage at BMI IMAX in London, to give a lecture on “The Element”, the title of his forthcoming book on creativity, education and human talent.

On my return I will be presenting my reflections of the Service Design Network Conference, alongside Qin Han

I'll also be presenting 'The Studio Unbound' to the course directors of Duncan of Jordanstone.

"MDes student Lauren Currie explores the power of online social networking, and demonstrates some of the tools which students at DoJ are using to move ideas forward, form networks with practitioners around the world, and build a reputation before and after graduation.

“For the designer to become a producer, she must have the skills to begin directing content, by critically navigating the social, aesthetic, and technological systems across which communications flow.” (Ellen Lupton, 1998)

By highlighting how creative people all over the world are using social networking and Web 2.0 to their advantage, Lauren will discuss the dynamic and conversational value of online networking, and will further illustrate how ideas of teaching and learning need to move away from the confines of the studio towards other, often ad-hoc and virtual, venues.

Joining from London via video conferencing will be Kate Andrews, design writer and networker extraordinaire, who will share her own insights into the potentials offered by new communication technologies.

Focusing on the new possibilities and opportunities that the digital world presents, this talk will demonstrate how the world has changed and continues to do so, and therefore highlight how design courses must adapt with it if they are to stay relevant."

I am so excited and looking forward to the organized chaos :) Wish me luck!!