Listen to my interview on The Great Pause

I was humbled to be invited by Dan Burgees who describes himself as an earthling, dad, strategist, futurist, designer, creative catalyst, activist, writer, and speaker - to be part of his latest podcast experiment.

Dan helps organisations, brands, communities, leaders and teams to co-create a more beautiful world. His podcast, The Spaceship Earth, was founded in 2018 to “share stories of folks responding to the design principles of the Spaceship Earth.”

Dan asked me and other amazing guests four questions;

  1. Where are you and who are you with?

  2. What are you struggling with the most during these times?

  3. Have you started doing/discovered/always done something that is bringing you joy in these times?

  4. What are you hoping could emerge from these extraordinary times?

  5. What bits of 'getting back to normal' do you hope will not return?

You can listen to the episode here. I hope you take something of value from it and thank you Dan for the work you do.

“There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth, we are all crew”

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