Pencil in... master of design, reading and writingredjotter18 October 2008book club, muti-disciplinary, readingComment
Talking family made me think, reading and writingredjotter15 October 2008facebook, family, new york times, relationshipsComment
Imagine 2020 made me think, reading and writingredjotter12 October 20082020, cnn, ericsson, imagine, the futureComment
Design Studies design studies, reading and writingredjotter10 October 2008design studies, ethnography, taskComment
Deserve your dream design studies, reading and writingredjotter10 October 2008core 77, design education, design studiesComment
Dundee in Design Week reading and writingredjotter6 October 2008design week, disability, technology, university of dundee, users, wordiaComment
How Talk can change lives? made me think, reading and writingredjotter5 October 2008conversation, innovation, inspiration, reading Comment
The Tipping Point reading and writingredjotter27 September 2008change, dissertation, jonathan baldwin, malcolm gladwell, tipping point, visualisation Comments
Beyond the Schlock of the New reading and writingredjotter4 September 2008design, foresight, future, kevin mc cullagh, plan, trendsComment
Read.Quick.Learn reading and writingredjotter25 August 2008a brief message, design, learn, opinion, quick, websiteComment
Fresh Ideo made me think, reading and writing, service designredjotter17 August 2008core 77, ideo, ideo-com, new, websiteComment
We Think made me think, reading and writing, service designredjotter17 August 2008book, charles leadbeater, sketching, we think Comments