Discuss, dispute or distribute made me think, people I likeredjotter13 February 2009daily aphorisms, daily thoughts, inspiration, the school of life, thinking, thriving too Comments
NHS needs you people I like, service designredjotter8 February 2009midwifery, NHS, nursing, public service design, skills Comment
Dundee families project made me think, people I likeredjotter25 January 2009dundee families project, the guardianComment
The Good Society made me think, people I like, reading and writingredjotter24 January 2009council on social action, the good societyComment
Mobile Education made me think, people I like, service designredjotter24 January 2009education, IDEA, mobile technology, socialComment
President to boost social innovation master of design, people I likeredjotter22 January 2009president barroso, services, social agenda, social innovation Comment
Let's get together people I likeredjotter21 January 2009drinks, london, nick marsh, service design Comments
Social solutions for MS sufferers people I like, reading and writing, service designredjotter18 January 2009alice hawthorn, iht, livework, MS, NHS, service design, social design Comments
The future of Social Media made me think, people I likeredjotter18 January 2009amplified08, christian payne, nesta, networking, social media Comment
The Digital Health Service people I like, service designredjotter17 January 2009digital health service, gavin o'carroll, online, service designComment
Learning To Love You More made me think, people I likeredjotter17 January 2009learn to love you more, projectComment
"Opportunities are everywhere" people I like, service designredjotter16 January 2009bob cooper, frontier, service designComment
Do you fit the box? made me think, people I like, reading and writingredjotter14 January 2009box, organisation, the creative habit, twyla tharpComment
Elliott talks Pink people I like, service designredjotter14 January 2009elliott, pinkservicedesign, shelley evenson, USA Comment
Plate and Serve people I like, service designredjotter12 January 2009joel bailey, london, plate and serve, service designComment
Service Design goes Pink* made me think, people I like, service designredjotter12 January 2009elliot, frontier service design, joel bailey, pennsylvania, pinkservicedesign, service designComment
Have people at heart made me think, people I likeredjotter12 January 2009design, flickr, frank chimero, people Comment
Time to bring in the professionals? master of design, people I like, reading and writing, service designredjotter8 January 2009bruce tether, said business school, service design, university of oxford Comment
Do good design made me think, people I like, reading and writingredjotter8 January 2009david berman, Do Good Design, Everyone is a Designer, flickr, social design, Social ResponsibilityComment